Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

JOHNSON, Stuart In The News 2022

Stuart Johnson




Source: SXMIslandTime
24 Dec 2022 07:18 PM

Mensaje De Navidad De Witu 2022

PHILIPSBURG Sint Maarten – A medida que otro ao llega a su fin, espero que reconozcan que nuestra lucha est lejos de terminar, apenas ha comenzado.

No suponga ni por un segundo que los privilegios que disfrutamos hoy no nos los quitarn maana.

Un ejemplo clsico de cmo se violan nuestros derechos es la controversia sobre el pago de las vacaciones.

Algunos de nosotros tenemos la suerte de tener unos das libres como vacaciones. Otros, sin embargo, no disfrutan de este privilegio.

Como maestros, personal no docente y empleados del gobierno, con frecuencia realizamos tareas invisibles detrs de escena que son esenciales para mantener nuestra economa Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Dec 2022 01:55 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- As another year draws to a close, I hope you recognize that our fight is far from overit has just begun.

Don't even assume for a second that the privileges we enjoy today won't be taken away tomorrow.

A classic illustration of how our rights are being violated is the controversy over vacation payments.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have a few days off as a holiday. Others, however, are not afforded this privilege.

As teachers, non-teaching staff, and government employees, we frequently perform unseen, behind-the-scenes duties that are essential to maintaining our economy Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Dec 2022 07:03 PM

El Personal De Cba Recibir El Subsidio De Vacaciones

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La junta de profesores de las Islas de Barlovento’ Union se complace en anunciar que, luego de tres das de reuniones con nuestros miembros que trabajan para la Academia Charlotte Brookson, hemos recibido esta noche una carta formal de la junta directiva de Charlotte Brookson que confirma que el pago de la asignacin de vacaciones se transfiri a todos los empleados que tienen derecho a ello. Los fondos para el subsidio de vacaciones se dio a conocer a ltima hora de la tarde.

En cuanto a los permisos de trabajo, la Junta de CBA indic que ahora estn esperando los formularios para pagar los permisos debido a una falta de comunicacin entre ellos y el Departamento de Trabajo Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
12 Dec 2022 11:18 PM

Witu Se Rene Con Los Miembros De La Cba

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — El lunes 12 de diciembre, la junta directiva del Sindicato de Maestros de las Islas de Barlovento se reuni con sus miembros empleados en la Academia Charlotte Brookson a las 7:30am, para una reunin urgente sobre la falta de pago de la asignacin de vacaciones y otros asuntos apremiantes.

Los otros temas apremiantes incluyeron el incumplimiento de la afiliacin al plan general de pensiones, APS y la caducidad de los permisos laborales y de residencia de varios miembros del personal.

WITU tambin invit a la junta de CBA a una reunin para abordar estos temas Read more

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Source: SMN-News
12 Dec 2022 06:47 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, December 12th the board of the Windward Islands Teachers Union met with its members employed at the Charlotte Brookson Academy at 7:30 am for an urgent meeting concerning the nonpayment of the vacation allowance and other pressing issues.

The other pressing issues included the noncompliance with enrollment in the general pension plan, APS, and the expired labor and resident permits of several members of staff.

WITU also invited the board of CBA to a meeting to address these issues Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Nov 2022 12:59 PM

PHILIPSBURG: --- Teachers of the St. Maarten Academy will be paid their full vacation allowance before Wednesday next week, so says President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson.
Teachers of the St. Maarten Academy held a silent protest on Wednesday morning demanding that they be paid their six per cent vacation allowance that is owed to them.
On Wednesday morning the board of directors for St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Oct 2022 10:36 PM

To the educators of St.Maarten,

This week, our country acknowledges and commends you for your diligent efforts on behalf of our students. Teachers have one of the most difficult and rewarding jobs because they literally shape and change lives. We honor and thank you for the crucial part you play in assisting children and enhancing the future of our country, especially during Teacher Appreciation Week.

However, I believe Teacher Appreciation Week needs a new place in our countrys calendar of events Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
01 Oct 2022 07:43 PM

Witu Enva Una Serie De Preocupaciones A La Primera Ministra Y Al Ministro De Educacin

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – El presidente del Sindicato de Maestros de las Islas de Barlovento (WITU), Stuart Johnson, envi un correo electrnico a la Honorable Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs y al Ministro de Educacin Rudolph Samuel sobre una serie de preocupaciones que afectan al sector educativo en St Read more

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Source: 721 News
29 Sep 2022 02:38 PM

Witu Sends A Number Of Concerns To Pm And Minister Of Education

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — The President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson sent an e-mail earlier today to both the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Education Rudolph Samuel covering a number of concerns affecting the education sector in St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 Sep 2022 02:20 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson sent an e-mail earlier today to both the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Education Rudolph Samuel covering a number of concerns affecting the education sector in St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
28 Sep 2022 03:39 PM

PHILIPSBURG: --- Teachers at the St. Maarten Academy are being forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement that was given to them on Tuesday. The teachers have until Friday to sign and turn in the non-disclosure agreement.
SMN News understands that the non-disclosure agreement presented to teachers is to avoid the Ministry of Education from interfering with matters that do not concern the government or Ministry.
According to one school board member just recently the Ministry of Education including the Minister of Education barged into a meeting and demanded information on a case of alleged sexual misconduct involving a teacher Read more

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Source: 721 News
18 Aug 2022 10:22 AM

Witu Demands An Explanation From Doran

Philipsburg — President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson met with mainly WITU members of Government subsidized school boards on Wednesday afternoon.

“The reality of their hardship caused by the non-payment of the vacation allowance was brought forward,” Johnson said.

Present in the meeting were union colleagues of the WISCU/PSU, NAPB, SMCU, ABVO and WIFOL in soalidarity.

Johnson before delving into the outcomes of the general membership meeting referenced his concerns about the remarks made by Deputy Prime Minister Egbert Doran.

“I believe the Honorable Minister Doran owes teaching, non-teaching staff and by extension the nation an explanation or an apology,” Johnson stated.

In the spirit of transparency, Minister Doran should explain the outcome of the meeting held with the Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion regarding the solution of the vacation allowance payment which he alluded to during the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on August 10, 2022.

He added, “it seems to be obvious from listening to remarks made in the recent Council of Ministers Press Briefing that he not only misspoke but gave a false hope to educators.”

The WITU President expressed that, “in these challenging and financially difficult times you simply do not make such frivolous statements.”

However, if Minister Doran has a solution we are eager to hear such Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Aug 2022 10:32 PM

Witu Exige Una Explicacin De Doran

Philipsburg , Sint Maarten — El presidente del Sindicato de Maestros de las Islas de Barlovento (WITU), Stuart Johnson, se reuni principalmente con miembros de WITU de las juntas escolares subvencionadas por el gobierno el mircoles por la tarde.

“Se present la realidad de sus dificultades causadas por la falta de pago de la asignacin de vacaciones”, dijo Johnson.

En la reunin estuvieron presentes compaeros sindicales de WISCU/PSU, NAPB, SMCU, ABVO y WIFOL en solidaridad.

Johnson, antes de profundizar en los resultados de la reunin general de miembros, hizo referencia a sus preocupaciones sobre los comentarios hechos por el viceprimer ministro Egbert Doran.

“Creo que el Honorable Ministro Doran le debe al personal docente, no docente y, por extensin, a la nacin una explicacin o una disculpa”, afirm Johnson.

En aras de la transparencia, el Ministro Doran debe explicar el resultado de la reunin sostenida con el Ministro de Finanzas Ardwell Irion sobre la solucin del pago de la asignacin de vacaciones a la que aludi durante la Rueda de Prensa del Consejo de Ministros del 10 de agosto de 2022.

Agreg que “parece ser obvio al escuchar los comentarios hechos en la reciente conferencia de prensa del Consejo de Ministros que no solo se equivoc sino que dio una falsa esperanza a los educadores”.

El presidente de WITU expres que, “en estos tiempos desafiantes y financieramente difciles, simplemente no se hacen declaraciones tan frvolas”.

Sin embargo, si el Ministro Doran tiene una solucin, estamos ansiosos por escucharla Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Aug 2022 10:10 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson met with mainly WITU members of Government subsidized school boards on Wednesday afternoon.

"The reality of their hardship caused by the non-payment of the vacation allowance was brought forward," Johnson said.

Present in the meeting were union colleagues of the WISCU/PSU, NAPB, SMCU, ABVO, and WIFOL in solidarity.

Johnson before delving into the outcomes of the general membership meeting referenced his concerns about the remarks made by Deputy Prime Minister Egbert Doran.

"I believe the Honorable Minister Doran owes teaching, non-teaching staff and by extension the nation an explanation or an apology," Johnson stated.

In the spirit of transparency, Minister Doran should explain the outcome of the meeting held with the Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion regarding the solution of the vacation allowance payment which he alluded to during the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on August 10, 2022.

He added, "it seems to be obvious from listening to remarks made in the recent Council of Ministers Press Briefing that he not only misspoke but gave a false hope to educators."

The WITU President expressed that, "in these challenging and financially difficult times you simply do not make such frivolous statements."

However, if Minister Doran has a solution we are eager to hear such Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Aug 2022 08:59 AM

El Proyecto De Regreso A La Escuela Fresh N Cool Del Club De Leones De Sint Maarten Trajo Sonrisas A Los Instructores Y A Muchos Alumnos Alegres.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El pasado lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022, los miembros del Club de Leones de Sint Maarten y el Club Leo de Omega South dieron la bienvenida a los instructores y a muchos alumnos alegres de St. Joseph School y Marie Genevieve De Weever School de regreso a sus aulas para el primer da del nuevo ao escolar.

Los estudiantes que regresaron y los estudiantes de primer ao estaban notablemente emocionados con el nuevo ao escolar y todas sus perspectivas.
El director Stuart Johnson de la escuela Genevieve de Weever dio la bienvenida al honorable Ministro de Educacin, Dres Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Aug 2022 08:05 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last Monday, August 8th, 2022, members of the Sint Maarten Lions Club and Omega South Leo Club welcomed instructors and many cheerful pupils of the St. Joseph School and the Marie Genevieve De Weever School back to their classrooms for the first day of the new school year. Returning students and first-year students alike were noticeably thrilled about the new school year and all of its prospects.

Principal Stuart Johnson of the Genevieve de Weever School welcomed the honorable Minister of Education, Drs Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 Aug 2022 10:58 PM

Witu Hace Una Splica Urgente A La Primera Ministra Jacobs A Travs De Una Carta

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – El martes 9 de agosto de 2022, el Sindicato de Maestros de las Islas de Barlovento (WITU, por sus siglas en ingls) present una carta dirigida a la Honorable Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs titulada, Discriminacin creada entre los maestros por falta de pago de vacaciones para subsidiar la escuela.

El presidente de WITU, Stuart Johnson, declar en su carta: Como presidente de WITU, me gustara llamar su atencin sobre lo siguiente y solicitar su intervencin en este asunto para traer igualdad, paz y tranquilidad entre la fraternidad docente en nuestro amado pas Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 Aug 2022 06:25 AM

Witu Makes An Urgent Plea To Pm Jacobs Via Letter

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — On Tuesday, August 9th,2022 the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) submitted a letter addressed to the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs titled, Discrimination created among the teachers with non-payment of vacation allowance to subsidize school.

President of the WITU Stuart Johnson stated in his letter, As President of the WITU, I would like to bring the following to your attention requesting your intervention in this matter to bring equality, peace, and tranquility among the teaching fraternity in our beloved country.

As we stand at the beginning of the new school year 2022-2023, the board of the WITU is deeply concerned about the fact that to date the teaching and non-teaching staff employed at the various Government-subsidized schools boards with the exception of the Protestant Christian Schools (3%), have not received their vacation allowance as yet.

Johnson continued in his letter stating, In representing and looking after the best interest of all concerned, WITU held various meetings with the stakeholders to come to a consensus and solution as it pertains the vacation allowance that was paid since June 15th, 2022 to civil servants and employees of the public education.

Needless to say that this has created a sense of discrimination and lack of equality in the education field to teaching and non-teaching staff.

Even though WITU can empathize with the school boards, the fact is that one school board has paid 3% Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 Aug 2022 06:07 AM

Witu Host Creative Exchange Event

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — The Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) hosted a creative exchange for its members on Friday, August 5th. President of the WITU Stuart Johnson said, “Assisting our members in any way possible will remain one of the primary goals for our members.” Members of the WITU had the opportunity to make educational posters for their classrooms or offices with resources made available by the WITU. The event took place at the WITU’s office from 12 pm until 6 pm with complimentary snacks and drinks. “Preparing classrooms for the start of each school year is a costly out-of-pocket expense many teachers face; this has not gone unnoticed by WITU Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Aug 2022 01:56 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  On Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) submitted a letter addressed to the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs titled, Discrimination created among the teachers with non-payment of vacation allowance to subsidize school.

President of the WITU Stuart Johnson stated in his letter, As President of the WITU, I would like to bring the following to your attention requesting your intervention in this matter to bring equality, peace, and tranquility among the teaching fraternity in our beloved country.
As we stand at the beginning of the new school year 2022-2023, the board of the WITU is deeply concerned about the fact that to date the teaching and non-teaching staff employed at the various Government-subsidized school boards with the exception of the Protestant Christian Schools (3%), have not received their vacation allowance as yet.
Johnson continued in his letter stating, In representing and looking after the best interest of all concerned, WITU held various meetings with the stakeholders to come to a consensus and solution as it pertains to the vacation allowance that was paid since June 15th, 2022 to civil servants and employees of the public education Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Aug 2022 07:37 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- President of the WITU Stuart Johnson said, "Assisting our members in any way possible will remain one of the primary goals for our members."

Members of the WITU had the opportunity to make educational posters for their classrooms or offices with resources made available by the WITU.

The event took place at the WITU's office from 12 pm until 6 pm with complimentary snacks and drinks.

"Preparing classrooms for the start of each school year is a costly out-of-pocket expense many teachers face; this has not gone unnoticed by WITU Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
28 Jul 2022 06:48 PM

Witu Desanimada Por El Impago Del Bono Vacacional

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – El presidente del Sindicato de Maestros de las Islas de Barlovento (WITU), Stuart Johnson, no se anduvo con rodeos al expresar: “Me entristece profundamente el manejo general del pago del subsidio de vacaciones que afecta a los empleados de la junta escolar subsidiada”.

Explic adems: “La precedencia establecida por el Gobierno y la clara inequidad que ha causado realmente est afectando la calidad de la educacin en nuestro pas”, dijo Johnson.

El 8 de julio, la WITU particip en una reunin con los consejos escolares y el Ministro de Educacin, Dr Read more

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Source: 721 News
18 Jul 2022 11:50 PM

Witu Disheartened By The Nonpayment Of The Vacation Allowance

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson minced no words by conveying, “I am profoundly saddened by the overall handling of the vacation allowance payment affecting subsidized school board employees.” He further expounded, “The precedence set by Government and the clear inequity it has caused is truly affecting the quality of education in our country,” Johnson said. On July 8, the WITU participated in a meeting with school boards and the Minister of Education, Drs Read more

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Source: SMN-News
18 Jul 2022 03:04 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Stuart Johnson minced no words by conveying, "I am profoundly saddened by the overall handling of the vacation allowance payment affecting subsidized school board employees."

He further expounded, "The precedence set by Government and the clear inequity it has caused is truly affecting the quality of education in our country," Johnson said.

On July 8, the WITU participated in a meeting with school boards and the Minister of Education, Drs Read more

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